Hey there folks…Boston Party Machine’s website just got a facelift! I think this photo captures the essence of the great energy that BPM generates. Thanks to Michael Philip Manheim, BPM’s photographer extraordinaire for the above photo, and Bill Murphy, our computer wizard, for making the site hum. Feel free to chime in with comments about the website. We’d love to hear from you!
Carolyn Stelman
says on:Looking fabulous!!!
says on:Thanks so much, Carolyn!!!
says on:Agreed, Doug! It’s a total different vibe than in a band where there’s tension or where people just show up for a paycheck. Your laid back style and complete professionalism are such a joy.
BTW – Doug is BPM’s guitarist, and can be found in the lower right of the photo.
Douglas Siqueira
says on:I think this picture captures the fun and friendship of our band. It’s nice to play in a band where everybody likes and respects each other.